Monday, October 27, 2008

Joe the Plumber... Sarah the Diva? You're kidding me, right? Yep, the Hockey Mom is a Diva, donchaknow! But, here's the way I see it - of course, she's a diva; you would be, too. It's the veritable fairy tale.

There was once this folksy, down-home woman with 5 kids who somehow got herself elected as Governor of a wilderness state with a total population less than most small towns in the lower 48. So she moved her family to the big city of Anchorage and began to use the citizens' money to build roads to nowhere, take her family on amazing vacations, and launch investigations relative to personal issues. And there she reigned until one incredible day when some people from the Republican National Committee showed up and asked her if she'd like to become Vice President of the United States of America. They told her that they would give her a plane to fly all over the country, they would toss out her jeans and sweatshirts and replace them with an entire wardrobe from Neiman and Saks, and even let her meet important people. Well, what was a girl to do? Of course, she said "yes", and the first stop was a shopping spree for the entire family.

Well, after $150,000 spent on clothing, an interview or two with the national press, and a guest spot on SNL, the McCain campaign is complaining that Sarah the Diva is going rogue. Excuse me, people, what the heck did you think was going to happen? She's gone from being the darling of the conservative right to being a drag on the campaign and she's afraid, very afraid. She sees the fairy tale ending and she's not happy. She'll have to return to Alaska and deal with that nasty "troopergate" thing. The clothes and adoring fans will disapear and the plane will be grounded. Oh my! What is a girl to do?

Never fear, Sarah the Diva. I hear there's a talk show waiting for you and you can have all of the fancy clothes your little heart desires.

Peace Out!!


Anonymous said...

Ha! Hilariously funny (and true)! What's a Diva to do? She should have kept wearing the nice clothes from Snatch 5th Avenue and Needless Markups. She must feel like she got caught or she wouldn't have gone back to the thrift store rags, eh?
Did you hear "Sarah The Diva" dotcom was bought today? Can you believe that anyone would pay $10,000 for that? I dunno...

Anonymous said...

What a shame, a real american who isn't fake, down to earth and a women who still can raise a family and has real values!! We need a real person in the white house not someone who has less than moral values, take a long hard look at what OUR country was built on and what OUR forefathers had in mind for our country,certainly not aborting the unborn babies and yes they're babies and I do believe they had Christian values. I also belive our body is a holy temple and God doesn't believe in abortion. Women's rights to her own body.........well can you read the bible?