Monday, October 20, 2008


I've decided that the whole abortion issue is totally and absolutely insane!! Apparently, it's not enough just to say that you do not support abortion. Nope. In order to avoid being a liberal, commie "baby-killer" you must agree that a woman's body belongs to the government of the United States of America and it, not the woman, has the power to decide what happens to said woman's body. Well, I am here to tell you that it is completely possible to detest abortion and still believe that a woman's body belongs to her!!

I was a college student when the Supreme Court decision regarding Roe v. Wade was handed down. I remember it like it was yesterday, and I do not remember anyone carrying signs or placards saying "I Believe in Abortion". I don't know anyone, living or dead, who believes that abortion is good. Abortion is not the issue here, folks; it is only a symptom. The issue is very simple, really; it is about who, on this earth, has control of my female body and what happens to it. Why is it so difficult for some people to understand that? This is my body, the earthly vesicle that God gave to me to house my soul for the period during which I dwell here.

Unfortunately, for many reasons, some women have chosen to terminate the tiny lives that grow within that earthly vesicle. Is it wrong? You bet it's wrong; it's horrific!! It leaves indelible marks of hurt and shame on anyone who makes the choice to terminate a pregnancy. But I won't punish all women for the poor choices made by others. And, I don't believe that a woman's constitutional rights should be axed because of those poor choices. Yes, I am a Christian. I love God more than life itself; but, I am also of this earth. And while God leaves me here for His purpose, I will function as a woman of sound mind. I will tell any woman facing an unwanted pregnancy that there are options other than abortion. I will counsel her away from abortion. But, in the end, it's her choice. I will not vote to legislate her choice.

So let me say this again - my body belongs to ME, as it was given by my God. It doesn't belong to the United States government. I hate the very thought of abortion but I am not willing to allow anyone the right to tell me what to do with MY body.

What's next - forced contraception?

Peace Out!


Ron Lease said...

Right on!

Anonymous said...

God is PRO-LIFE (Gen. 1:26-27; 9:6; Ex. 21:22-23; Ps. 139; etc.). One of the purposes of government is to restrain evil and maintain order. When a government follows God's moral laws by deeming certain activities as right and wrong, they are simply fulfilling one of their God-ordained purposes (Rom. 13). Human governments are a delegated authority from God Himself. When a nation heeds His Wisdom, its people are blessed (Ps. 33:12. The opposite is equally true. Here's to unconditionally submitting to God's Word!

Anonymous said...

You've forgotten that it's no longer your choice. It's your baby's choice. He has a heart, a mouth, a nose, and eyes.

Think about that... he can look into your eyes. He can see. If he was aborted he would never have the chance to choose what to do with his own body.