Friday, October 10, 2008

A Mother's Lamentation

Here's my question for the day - When do we stop worrying about our kids? I have been a parent for 22 years, 3 months, 16 days, and in that time I've aged about 50 years - all of it, I'm sure, from worry. I have 2 kids, both of whom are long out of diapers and functioning mostly on their own. And, still, I worry.

The worst thing that has happened, in my estimation, was the invention of Caller ID. Don't get me wrong, I love to know who is calling so that I don't have to answer if it is someone with whom I not interested in conversing. But, at the same time, I now know when one of my children is on the other end. I'm sure you're thinking that I am one of the worst mothers, ever. And, you're probably right; but I don't think I'm alone in experiencing fear and trepidation whenever there is a child on the other end of the ring tone. Oh, sure, once in a blue moon they call just to say "Hi, Mom" but most of the time the call announces the news of, yet another, problem.

As I push the TALK button, my voice begins to quiver and my shoulders move up past my neck line to become even with my ears. The tension in my body makes Lot and his daughters look like figures of Jello, rather than salt. "Hey", I say as calmly as I can, "what's up?" And then I wait. What is it this time - the car, grades, illness, relationships, money, the law? What could it be that will send me into Mother worry mode today? And then it comes, whatever it is, and I immediately feel the worry creeping up my spine. It overtakes me like a Pacific tsunami on its way to a underdeveloped nation. Nothing can stop it and it will destroy everything in its way, especially the few moments of relaxation that I had hoped to experience on any particular day. But the problem will be presented and I, Super Mom, will help my child deal with whatever it is that is plaguing him/her at that particular moment because that's what Mom's do. We fix things, we heal things, we put out fires. And, as much pain as it may cause us, we continue to do it, day after day, because our children are the most important people in our lives.

So, when do we stop worrying about our children? Never, I suppose, because we are mothers and I, for one, wouldn't want it any other way!!

Peace Out!!

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