Wednesday, February 4, 2009

I am a Facebook Creeper

I don't know who coined the phrase, "Facebook creeper"; it may have been my daughter, for all I know, because that is how she currently refers to me. "Good Morning, Facebook creeper", or, "What's for dinner, Facebook creeper?". Thus begins just about every conversation Nina and I have these days. The most unfortunate part is that she is probably correct in that I spend inordinate amounts of time on this thing they call "Facebook". For those of you who are Facebook virgins, please allow me to be the first to initiate you into this new world that I have discovered (much later than many others, I might add!).

When I was a kid, there was a lady on our street who spent most of her time standing at her window watching anything and everything that was happening. She was our neighborhood busybody. And I would bet you a year's paycheck that your neighborhood had one, too. Am I right? We have one on our street, now; my kids call her "Window Woman". So, let's assume that this Facebook thing is your street, or neighborhood. Everyone has a house, most have families, and everyone has friends; lots of friends, actually. And on this street, friends visit friends, mates visit mates, kids visit parents, and they all have chats and discussions that are posted on their houses, also known as their "walls". Are you with me so far?

So throughout the day, messages are being posted on everyone's Facebook pages and I, dear friends, read them ALL!! That's right, I am the neighborhood BUSYBODY!! I know where you are, what you're doing, who you hang out with, whether or not your husband is a pain in the neck...Iknow it all!! And I am in my glory. I don't think I've ever been happier. I am never bored nor do I ever lack fodder for conversation. If you want to know what your kid did last night, ask me. Chances are that I know! In the old days, busybody was the term of choice, but today the term is...creeper. Therefore, I am a Facebook creeper.

Last week my son, Pat, called me to tell me that he had "friended" someone that I also knew. ("Friended" is the term that we groovy people use when we've asked someone to visit us at our Facebook house) Sadly, though, he ended the conversation with a warning that this person had better not show up on my list of friends, too. Sure, I was hurt. No self-respecting creeper wants anyone to place limits on her ability to creep. But I agreed, because I love my son, and because he said something about "total embarrassment". In fact, both of my kids have said tons about my new hobby and they're not happy. I wonder if "Window Woman's" kids are unhappy with her, too? Anyway, to make a long story short, I am trying very hard to limit the amount of time I spend creeping which leaves me with lots of free time to blog again!

The moral of this story is: if my blog is silent for a day, or two, you can bet your gluteous maximus that I know what you're doing.

Peace out!!


Stephanie said...

Kim, because of "Facebook Creepers" like you, I refrain from posting some things on my wall. Instead I send people messages. So you don't know as much about me as you think - hee, hee. It's great to see you back on your blog.

Angie said...

I found your blog! I now consider myself a creeper-in-training. I bet this new super-power will come in handy as my kids grow. :o)