Thursday, October 30, 2008

John McCain and Me

It appears that John McCain and I are completely cohesive in our moral beliefs. Yep, you heard it right - John McCain and I actually agree on the subject of abortion. I know, I know, I am as blown away as you probably are; but it's absolutely true. Neither Sen. McCain nor I believe in abortion, and...wait for it, wait for it...we both believe it is acceptable, in the event of rape or incest!! Now, you will note that there hasn't been much said on this subject during this entire campaign and the reason for that is simple - the base of the Republican Party (aka the Conservative Christians) would never have approved of a candidate whose values were so totally opposed to their own. Afterall, they believe that abortion is immoral and unacceptable in any event, or for any reason. But I was able to do some very simple research and easily found statements by candidate McCain, from others of his quadrennial Presidential bids, that very clearly indicate that he and I are of the same mind.

So, here's the question that is weighing heavy on my heart and my brain - is John McCain a babykiller, too? That's what I've been called and that's what Barack and Joe have been called, even though they agree with John. I'm just really amazed because there sure hasn't been much talk of Sen. McCain's abortion position especially in the Conservative Christian churches in this country. Oh, that's right, they can't, because if they did, they'd have to admit that they don't have a candidate who meets their moral litmus test.

I actually feel sorry for my Conservative Christian friends because if the test of an acceptable Presidential candidate is their position on abortion, they don't really have a candidate this go round. Maybe it's time to look further than abortion to other social and economic issues that might actually affect the American citizenry. If they do, they might find a suitable candidate.

John McCain and me? Who would have thunk it!!

Peace Out!!


Anonymous said...

Not all conservatives think that McCain is their man. For many McCain is simply too liberal. See here for an example.

Kim Deachilla said...

So, Conservative Dude, who then are the Conservatives voting for? Are they the 8% of the voting population who are undecided, still? And, if John McCain is a babykiller why are Conservative Christian pastors pushing the Republican ticket? Just curious!