Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Can you hear it?

It started as a whisper about 2 years ago and has grown to a tremendous roar. WE ARE...PENNSYLVANIA! (clap,clap,clap) WE ARE...PENNSYLVANIA!! It's almost hard to believe but we, Pennsylvanians, could very well be the voters who determine the outcome of Election '08. Oh sure, some pundits are now saying that Virginia might be the state that tells the tale; but let's be real here, folks. Is Virginia home to the Phillies? Do they claim ownership of the "Stillers"? And how about Joe Pa, huh? I think not. What exactly is so darn special about Virginia? Oh sure, there's that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison thing, but that's old news. I'm talking modern history; I'm talking the Lake Erie "lake effect snows", Lynn Swan for Governor, and the Dover School District Biology curriculum. And Virginia has that sissy Early Voting because they can't handle one day voting. On November 4th, we Pennsylvanians will lace up our steel-toed boots, hop into our pick-up trucks, and stand in line for hours. Do you know why? Because we can!!

In 2000, I was riveted by the drama that encompassed the vote count in Florida and I was truly jealous of the attention paid to that state's voters. Hanging chads, or not, I wanted to be one of those voters. I wanted to be a voter who cried foul. I wanted the world press knocking on my door to find out whether or not I was a disenfranchised voter. I wanted to be one of the U.S. citizens who actually got to determine the next President.

And, now, it looks like I'm going to get my chance. Our polls close at 8PM on Tuesday and I can pretty much guarantee that, 47 seconds later, all of the major networks will be declaring the winner. And, just think, my vote counted!


Peace Out!!


Anonymous said...

Nicely written Kim, but don't count your chickens before they hatch;)

Anonymous said...

Actually, Kim, you are absolutely correct that PA matters. Take a look at this website.
Now, give McCain Virginia and Obama still wins. However, give Obama Virginia and McCain PA and then nobody wins. PA has significantly more electoral votes than VA so therefore PA calls the election.