Let me ask you a question. Have you ever considered purchasing a domain name and opening your own website? I have one word of advice for you if you answered "yes" - DON'T!!! Actually, my advice is stronger than just that one word - PULL OUT YOUR FINGERNAILS AND SLOWLY DROP WATER ON YOUR HEAD; IT WILL BE MORE FUN!!
You cannot imagine what I have been through since Saturday when I decided, after 5 days of this blogging thing, that I needed to upgrade to my own website. How incredibly egocentric can one person be? Now if I were a politician the answer would obviously be "very egocentric". But this is me, for pity's sake, the woman who takes 10 minutes to type a 2 word text on my cell phone. What the heck was I thinking? Well, let me tell you, that website world is frightening. I thought raising children was the hardest thing I'd ever do in my life, but I was totally wrong. Try launching your own website and you'll quickly notice that 2 tired, hungry, screaming children have nothing on the frustration of website publishing. I will never, ever, ever attempt it again. So, here I am back on blogspot.com and I'm happier than a pig in mud!!
Much has happened in the days since my last post and I am frustrated that my comments are as stale as day old bread. (But that's what I get for thinking I was a blogging genious) Let's see, Sarah Palin speaks in tongue, Michelle Obama can shake her booty, and John McCain is still being supported by the stick that is permanently implanted you know where. Barack and Jumpin' Joe continue to stay on message despite the current dip in polling. Polls come, go, and change constantly but John McCain will always be the second runner up to Miss Wassila!
Peace Out!
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