Friday, October 31, 2008

My Christian World

I have been struggling, what with my liberal leaning views, to find a place in my Christian world. My amazing Pastor recently sent me an email in which he stated, "According to Pat Morley a Cultural Christian is a person who '…pursues the God we want instead of the God who is. It’s the tendency to be shallow in our understanding of God, wanting Him to be more of a gentle grandfather type who spoils us and lets us have our own way. It’s sensing a need for God, but on our own terms. It’s wanting the God we have underlined in our Bibles without wanting the rest of Him, too. It’s God relative instead of God absolute.' Christ has called us to an infinitely better life…Biblical Christianity." His inference throughout this email, and in other conversations, has been that I am a Cultural Christian because I am an advocate for a woman's right to choose.

Well, I have determined that I am neither a Biblical Christian, nor a Cultural Christian. I am, in fact, a Constitutional Christian, which I will define as a Christ follower who believes that our nation is truly "one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all". I believe that our founding fathers were inspired by God to create this democracy, so clearly outlined by our Constitution, and that the Constitution should be protected with unbridled fervor as it represents God's will for our people. Though the U. S. Constitution, like the Bible, can be interpreted by different people in many different ways, I have total and complete faith that God will guide our legislators and judicial appointees to understand His will in all matters pertinent to our national welfare. As a Constitutional Christian I adhere, unfailingly, to our national motto, "In God We Trust".

And, as Election '08 draws ever closer, it is my daily prayer that the American voting public will select our next President based on his total policy platform and its potential to provide help and support to the American people, rather than on a single issue that defies our Constitutional rights as willed by God.

Peace Out!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

John McCain and Me

It appears that John McCain and I are completely cohesive in our moral beliefs. Yep, you heard it right - John McCain and I actually agree on the subject of abortion. I know, I know, I am as blown away as you probably are; but it's absolutely true. Neither Sen. McCain nor I believe in abortion, and...wait for it, wait for it...we both believe it is acceptable, in the event of rape or incest!! Now, you will note that there hasn't been much said on this subject during this entire campaign and the reason for that is simple - the base of the Republican Party (aka the Conservative Christians) would never have approved of a candidate whose values were so totally opposed to their own. Afterall, they believe that abortion is immoral and unacceptable in any event, or for any reason. But I was able to do some very simple research and easily found statements by candidate McCain, from others of his quadrennial Presidential bids, that very clearly indicate that he and I are of the same mind.

So, here's the question that is weighing heavy on my heart and my brain - is John McCain a babykiller, too? That's what I've been called and that's what Barack and Joe have been called, even though they agree with John. I'm just really amazed because there sure hasn't been much talk of Sen. McCain's abortion position especially in the Conservative Christian churches in this country. Oh, that's right, they can't, because if they did, they'd have to admit that they don't have a candidate who meets their moral litmus test.

I actually feel sorry for my Conservative Christian friends because if the test of an acceptable Presidential candidate is their position on abortion, they don't really have a candidate this go round. Maybe it's time to look further than abortion to other social and economic issues that might actually affect the American citizenry. If they do, they might find a suitable candidate.

John McCain and me? Who would have thunk it!!

Peace Out!!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Can you hear it?

It started as a whisper about 2 years ago and has grown to a tremendous roar. WE ARE...PENNSYLVANIA! (clap,clap,clap) WE ARE...PENNSYLVANIA!! It's almost hard to believe but we, Pennsylvanians, could very well be the voters who determine the outcome of Election '08. Oh sure, some pundits are now saying that Virginia might be the state that tells the tale; but let's be real here, folks. Is Virginia home to the Phillies? Do they claim ownership of the "Stillers"? And how about Joe Pa, huh? I think not. What exactly is so darn special about Virginia? Oh sure, there's that George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison thing, but that's old news. I'm talking modern history; I'm talking the Lake Erie "lake effect snows", Lynn Swan for Governor, and the Dover School District Biology curriculum. And Virginia has that sissy Early Voting because they can't handle one day voting. On November 4th, we Pennsylvanians will lace up our steel-toed boots, hop into our pick-up trucks, and stand in line for hours. Do you know why? Because we can!!

In 2000, I was riveted by the drama that encompassed the vote count in Florida and I was truly jealous of the attention paid to that state's voters. Hanging chads, or not, I wanted to be one of those voters. I wanted to be a voter who cried foul. I wanted the world press knocking on my door to find out whether or not I was a disenfranchised voter. I wanted to be one of the U.S. citizens who actually got to determine the next President.

And, now, it looks like I'm going to get my chance. Our polls close at 8PM on Tuesday and I can pretty much guarantee that, 47 seconds later, all of the major networks will be declaring the winner. And, just think, my vote counted!


Peace Out!!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Joe the Plumber... Sarah the Diva? You're kidding me, right? Yep, the Hockey Mom is a Diva, donchaknow! But, here's the way I see it - of course, she's a diva; you would be, too. It's the veritable fairy tale.

There was once this folksy, down-home woman with 5 kids who somehow got herself elected as Governor of a wilderness state with a total population less than most small towns in the lower 48. So she moved her family to the big city of Anchorage and began to use the citizens' money to build roads to nowhere, take her family on amazing vacations, and launch investigations relative to personal issues. And there she reigned until one incredible day when some people from the Republican National Committee showed up and asked her if she'd like to become Vice President of the United States of America. They told her that they would give her a plane to fly all over the country, they would toss out her jeans and sweatshirts and replace them with an entire wardrobe from Neiman and Saks, and even let her meet important people. Well, what was a girl to do? Of course, she said "yes", and the first stop was a shopping spree for the entire family.

Well, after $150,000 spent on clothing, an interview or two with the national press, and a guest spot on SNL, the McCain campaign is complaining that Sarah the Diva is going rogue. Excuse me, people, what the heck did you think was going to happen? She's gone from being the darling of the conservative right to being a drag on the campaign and she's afraid, very afraid. She sees the fairy tale ending and she's not happy. She'll have to return to Alaska and deal with that nasty "troopergate" thing. The clothes and adoring fans will disapear and the plane will be grounded. Oh my! What is a girl to do?

Never fear, Sarah the Diva. I hear there's a talk show waiting for you and you can have all of the fancy clothes your little heart desires.

Peace Out!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Can't we just get along?

I, for one, cannot wait for this upcoming election to be over. Having said that, I still care who wins, but I think it's getting way to nasty for my personal taste. I am almost 54 years old, divided by 4, which means that I have been alive for 13.2 Presidential election cycles. (I just scared myself!) I can remember as far back as the Kennedy-Nixon election of 1960 (whoa, scared myself again!) and, though there have been some intense campaigns in those years, very few equal the slings and arrows that are being tossed about this year.

The one that comes the closest, in my mind, was the 1972 race between George McGovern and the incumbent, Richard Nixon; that was a nasty one. Our nation was involved in an undeclared Civil War, with liberals and conservatives going at each other very fiercely. The Democratic party, alone, was awash with scandals, racist accusations, and political failings; much like the Republican party today. Terms like communism, socialism, liberalism, and baby-killerism were spewed like spit. It was a horrendous time in our history and one which I don't care to relive.

This election has the same undercurrent of hatred that can result in only one thing: a divided country. In 1972, we were a country divided by hate, fear, and "isms". Sound familiar?

Peace Out!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A Bright Future

Today is exactly two weeks until the Election Day '08 which, I believe, may go down in U.S. History as the most important election of this century, or any other. Our country is faced with an economic crisis of monumental proportion, while most of us worry about our jobs, our savings, and our futures. As a nation, we are detested by most of the rest of the world and our soldiers continue to die and be maimed in a conflict that should never have occurred. Women are threatened with the possibility of having their bodies confiscated by the government and our children are being educated in schools that are more concerned with security than with learning. In essence, we are in deep trouble and I, for one, am very seriously concerned. But the bigger issue is whether or not YOU are concerned!

Are you willing, at this point in time, to accept the status quo? Do you truly believe that more of the same is good enough? Or, are you ready to believe that true change is required? I am not willing to continue a failed course when so much is at stake. This country needs a new path, a new vision, a new way of doing things. We need a leader who is willing to think outside of the box, to bring to our country a dose of modern executive medicine; not more of the same bully leadership that has brought this country to its feet.

I challenge you to think, really think, about the future, please. For the next 13 days, give deep thought to what it would mean to continue this unhealthy course, not just for you but for generations to come. And then, measure those thoughts against a course that is guided by healthy, modern leadership. Which picture is the brightest?

Peace Out!!

Monday, October 20, 2008


I've decided that the whole abortion issue is totally and absolutely insane!! Apparently, it's not enough just to say that you do not support abortion. Nope. In order to avoid being a liberal, commie "baby-killer" you must agree that a woman's body belongs to the government of the United States of America and it, not the woman, has the power to decide what happens to said woman's body. Well, I am here to tell you that it is completely possible to detest abortion and still believe that a woman's body belongs to her!!

I was a college student when the Supreme Court decision regarding Roe v. Wade was handed down. I remember it like it was yesterday, and I do not remember anyone carrying signs or placards saying "I Believe in Abortion". I don't know anyone, living or dead, who believes that abortion is good. Abortion is not the issue here, folks; it is only a symptom. The issue is very simple, really; it is about who, on this earth, has control of my female body and what happens to it. Why is it so difficult for some people to understand that? This is my body, the earthly vesicle that God gave to me to house my soul for the period during which I dwell here.

Unfortunately, for many reasons, some women have chosen to terminate the tiny lives that grow within that earthly vesicle. Is it wrong? You bet it's wrong; it's horrific!! It leaves indelible marks of hurt and shame on anyone who makes the choice to terminate a pregnancy. But I won't punish all women for the poor choices made by others. And, I don't believe that a woman's constitutional rights should be axed because of those poor choices. Yes, I am a Christian. I love God more than life itself; but, I am also of this earth. And while God leaves me here for His purpose, I will function as a woman of sound mind. I will tell any woman facing an unwanted pregnancy that there are options other than abortion. I will counsel her away from abortion. But, in the end, it's her choice. I will not vote to legislate her choice.

So let me say this again - my body belongs to ME, as it was given by my God. It doesn't belong to the United States government. I hate the very thought of abortion but I am not willing to allow anyone the right to tell me what to do with MY body.

What's next - forced contraception?

Peace Out!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Joe the Plumber... name is Kim the Old Lady. And this is my husband, Paul the Bald Guy. Also, meet my children, Pat the Leveraged College Student, and Nina the Sixteen Year Old Money Pit. What the heck is this? Is this who we've become?

Actually, it's good because I never liked my last name, any of them. Nor did I like being a Soccer Mom since my kids also played lacrosse, football and other sports. And I was only a Hockey Mom for one winter about 17 years ago. Now I can change my name based on my mood, or my profession, or my appearance, or any number of things. Today I have to go to the gym, so I'll be Kim the Miserable; and, tomorrow is Friday so I think I'll call myself, Kim the Happy Person!

Actually, you can call me anything you like because come November 4th, it looks like Barack the Winner will be our next President!

Peace Out!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

A Mother's Lamentation

Here's my question for the day - When do we stop worrying about our kids? I have been a parent for 22 years, 3 months, 16 days, and in that time I've aged about 50 years - all of it, I'm sure, from worry. I have 2 kids, both of whom are long out of diapers and functioning mostly on their own. And, still, I worry.

The worst thing that has happened, in my estimation, was the invention of Caller ID. Don't get me wrong, I love to know who is calling so that I don't have to answer if it is someone with whom I not interested in conversing. But, at the same time, I now know when one of my children is on the other end. I'm sure you're thinking that I am one of the worst mothers, ever. And, you're probably right; but I don't think I'm alone in experiencing fear and trepidation whenever there is a child on the other end of the ring tone. Oh, sure, once in a blue moon they call just to say "Hi, Mom" but most of the time the call announces the news of, yet another, problem.

As I push the TALK button, my voice begins to quiver and my shoulders move up past my neck line to become even with my ears. The tension in my body makes Lot and his daughters look like figures of Jello, rather than salt. "Hey", I say as calmly as I can, "what's up?" And then I wait. What is it this time - the car, grades, illness, relationships, money, the law? What could it be that will send me into Mother worry mode today? And then it comes, whatever it is, and I immediately feel the worry creeping up my spine. It overtakes me like a Pacific tsunami on its way to a underdeveloped nation. Nothing can stop it and it will destroy everything in its way, especially the few moments of relaxation that I had hoped to experience on any particular day. But the problem will be presented and I, Super Mom, will help my child deal with whatever it is that is plaguing him/her at that particular moment because that's what Mom's do. We fix things, we heal things, we put out fires. And, as much pain as it may cause us, we continue to do it, day after day, because our children are the most important people in our lives.

So, when do we stop worrying about our children? Never, I suppose, because we are mothers and I, for one, wouldn't want it any other way!!

Peace Out!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

And I Thought I Was Old...

...But did you see John McCain last night? I spent all day yesterday feeling sorry for myself because of the encroaching signs of age which are becoming more evident in my daily life. Today, though, I'm feeling really sorry for John; poor thing just couldn't pull it off. For those of you who are old enough to remember, did it remind you of the 1960 Presidential Debate? In that one, we had nervous, sweaty Richard Nixon against handsome, young John Kennedy. The difference in age and virility between those two candidates was flashed before our eyes on the television screen, just as it was last night. And many historians claim that it was that debate that turned the tide in favor of Jack Kennedy. Which ever of the McCain campaign geniuses who thought this would be a shining format for John, should be fired along with the makeup artist who made him look like eerily ghostlike. The dude is already pale, for pity's sake; a little color would have gone a very long way.

And "my friends", let's not forget the sneers, snickers, and ridiculous jokes. How do you spell D-E-S-P-E-R-A-T-I-O-N? Oh, I know, I'm gloating; but I really can't help it. The guy creeps me out and, according to the polls, a greater majority of Americans are now feeling my concerns. Do you really want this guy representing our country. "W" was bad enough but at least he doesn't look like an escaped character from "Night of the Living Dead". Hair plugs? You've got to be kidding me? It's gonna' take a lot more than hair plugs to prove that blood flow through his veins!

But in John's defense, it was going to be very difficult for him to outshine the brilliance of Barack. His thoughtful intelligence is certainly refreshing. His professorial demeanor is calming in a time of tremendous volatility. And his youthful virility is energizing. He was, in a word, presidential. Finally, an American President who will appear and behave presidential. It's been a long time coming, but the time has finally come again.

Peace Out!!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

She's Baaaaaaack!

I have returned from the 6 best days of my life! Nina and I spent almost an entire week together in Orlando and it was terrific. We laughed constantly as we soaked up the amazing Vitamin D that only central Florida sunshine can provide. It was a real "Thelma and Louise" adventure and I can't wait to do it again. We visited theme parks, saw several shows, and shopped to our hearts content. There were no men around to tell us to put our credit cards away and we had fun, fun, fun!! But the best part was just being with my baby girl!! She has turned into an incredible young woman and I enjoy her company completely. For those women out there with teenage girls, I would highly recommend this one-on-one time; before long, they'll be mothers themselves.

There was a downside, though. My time with Nina reflected my advancing age and I found myself acting, more often than not, like an old woman. I've definitely lost my keen sense of direction which was evident in the fact that those extremely large traffic signs no longer catch my attention. How many times can you drive around Orlando International Airport before you finally see the King Kong size signs pointing the way to the Rental Car Return? Before this trip, I would have known where it was before I even left the resort. Not this time. If I didn't have Nina with me, there would be a story on CNN today about the lady who had spent the last 24 hours circling the airport.

Then, as horrible as this sounds, there were the times when I'd just wander away from my daughter, for no reason at all. I was like the 2-year old who needs a leash. In fact, I suggested that to Nina but she wouldn't have anything to do with dragging her mother around the Magic Kingdom by leash. But the wandering wasn't nearly as bad, I'm told, as the ever present absent look on my face. I know that face. It's an old woman's face. And now, apparently, it's become my face. Oh, Heaven, help me. I knew it would happen before long, but I prayed that it wouldn't happen until I was old enough not to notice. But notice, I did, and now I'm afraid, really afraid!! I think I'll be lucky if the only thing I need is a leash.

Life, nonetheless, is great and I am one proud Mama; proud of both of my kids, and proud that God found me worthy to be their mother.

Peace Out!!